The best way to store a fur coat: essential tips for fur storage
Storing a fur coat requires special care and attention due to its unique qualities. Proper storage conditions are crucial to preserve its texture and luxurious appearance. Unlike synthetic materials, real fur is sensitive to environmental factors like humidity and temperature fluctuations, which can cause significant damage if not stored correctly. This blog provides detailed advice on the best way to store a fur coat to ensure its longevity.

Why proper fur storage is important

The financial investment in a fur coat highlights the importance of proper storage. Fur coats are often expensive and valuable items. Improper storage can lead to deterioration and devaluation. Factors such as humidity, temperature fluctuations, and moths can ruin its natural beauty and structure.

Ideal storage conditions for fur coats: 

Temperature and humidity

To maintain the quality of the fur, store it at a consistently cool temperature. Experts recommend temperatures between 2 to 12 degrees Celsius (35 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit). Maintain a humidity level of around 45-55% to prevent the fur from drying out or becoming too damp, which can lead to mold growth.

Choose a dark place to store your fur Coat

Sunlight can have a detrimental effect on fur, causing it to fade and deteriorate over time. Prolonged exposure to the sun's rays can considerably reduce the quality and lifespan of your fur coat. To protect your precious garment, it's essential to store your fur coat in a dark place at home. By keeping it out of direct sunlight, you can preserve its rich color and luxurious texture.

When it comes to fur coats and their lining, there are also specific reasons why it's best to store them in a dark place:

  • Prevent fading and discoloration: Exposure to light, particularly sunlight and UV rays, can cause colors to fade. Dark and light colors are particularly sensitive to this, which can lead to uneven fading and a dull appearance.
  • Protection against material degradation: Prolonged exposure to light can weaken fabric fibers, causing them to wear more quickly. This applies to natural materials such as cotton and wool, but also to synthetic fabrics.
  • Avoid damage due to photochemical reactions: Light can cause chemical reactions in the materials from which clothes are made. These reactions can change the structure of the fabric, leading to brittleness and loss of elasticity.
  • Reduction of odor formation: A fur coat exposed to light can absorb and develop odors, especially if stored in a damp environment. A dark, well-ventilated area can help prevent this.
  • Protection against dust and pollution: Clothes stored in a dark wardrobe are better protected from dust and dirt that might otherwise settle on the fabrics. Dust can damage fibers and cause stains that are difficult to remove.
  • Avoid attracting insects: Although light itself does not attract insects, the effects of light, such as the dispersion of heat and odors, can attract insects such as moths. These insects can cause serious damage to clothing.
  • Maintain the quality of accessories: Accessories such as buttons, zippers, and decorative elements on garments can also be affected by light. Metal parts can discolor or corrode, and plastic parts can become brittle and crack.

Storing your fur coat in a dark place helps to keep colors bright, keep fabric strong and elastic, and protect it from various forms of damage that can occur as a result of light and environmental factors. It's a simple but effective way of extending the life and quality of your clothes.

Best way to store your fur coat is in a cool place

Maintaining a cool storage environment is essential for preserving the quality of your fur coat. Exposure to heat can dry out leather and fur, causing irreversible damage and a significant reduction in the longevity of the coat. To avoid this, it's essential to keep your fur coat in a cool place at all times.

In a residential environment, the north side of the house generally offers the coolest conditions, making it an ideal storage area. In addition, a cellar can serve as a suitable storage space due to its naturally lower temperatures. However, it is important to ensure that the cellar is not damp, as humidity can be just as harmful as heat.

The lower the temperature, the better your fur coat will be preserved. A temperature range of 2 to 12 degrees Celsius (35 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit) is considered optimal for fur storage. Maintaining this cool environment is particularly important during the summer months when temperatures rise considerably. During this period, extra precautions should be taken to keep your fur coat cool, such as using air conditioning or specialist storage solutions.

Adhering to these temperature guidelines ensures that your fur coat remains in the best condition. Proper storage not only protects the natural oils and luster of the fur but also extends the life of the garment.

Store your fur coat in a dry place

As well as maintaining a cool storage environment, it's just as important to keep your fur coat in a dry place. The ideal humidity level for fur storage is between 45 and 55 per cent. Good humidity control is essential because excessive humidity and extreme dryness can cause serious damage to your fur coat.

Humidity can be particularly harmful to fur. Storing a fur coat in a damp place, such as a damp cellar, can lead to serious problems. When the air is too humid, the underlying skin of the fur can start to rot, compromising the structural integrity of the coat. On the other hand, if the air is too dry, the coat's natural oils can evaporate, causing the coat to become brittle and lose its luster.

If you find that your storage area is too humid, consider using a dehumidifier to maintain the right level of humidity. Dehumidifiers can effectively reduce excess humidity, creating a safer environment for your fur coat. Regularly monitoring humidity levels and making any necessary adjustments will help ensure the longevity and beauty of your fur garment.

By prioritizing temperature and humidity control, you can protect your fur coat from the damaging effects of improper storage. A well-maintained fur coat will retain its luxurious look and feel.

Avoid using mothballs and cedar wood for fur storage

When storing your fur coat, it's essential to avoid using mothballs and cedar wood. Although these items are often used to repel moths, they can inadvertently increase humidity levels in your storage area, which can be harmful to your fur coat. Excess moisture can cause the natural oils in the fur to deteriorate and cause the underlying skin to rot, ultimately damaging the coat.

Mothballs and cedarwood also give off strong, distinctive odors that can be absorbed by the fur. The smell of these products is omnipresent and can be very difficult to remove from a fur coat. This lingering odor can detract from the luxurious experience of wearing your fur and may even discourage its use.

To protect your fur coat from moths without risking increased dampness or unpleasant odors, consider using alternative methods. For example, specially designed lavender sachets or fur storage bags can offer protection without the negative side effects associated with mothballs and cedarwood.

By avoiding mothballs and cedarwood, you can maintain the pristine condition and natural scent of your fur coat.

Choose a wide hanger for your fur coat

Choosing the right hanger for your fur coat is essential for maintaining its shape and ensuring its longevity. Choose a hanger with broad shoulders that can adequately support the full weight of your fur coat. Using a hanger with broad, padded shoulders helps to distribute the weight of the coat evenly, preventing any deformation or stretching of the shoulders.

A wide, quality hanger will provide the support needed to preserve the coat's structure. Thin or flimsy hangers can cause the shoulders to sag and create unsightly creases that are difficult to correct. What's more, padded hangers can offer extra cushioning, further protecting delicate leather and fur from damage.

Hang your fur coat in a spacious wardrobe where it won't be crushed between other garments. Proper air circulation around the coat helps maintain its soft texture and prevents knots.

Avoid using a plastic bag to store fur

If you receive a plastic bag when you buy your fur coat, it's important to remember that this bag is only intended for temporary transport and not for long-term storage. Storing your fur coat in a plastic bag can trap moisture and restrict air circulation, which can damage the fur over time.

Fur needs to breathe to retain its natural oils and luxurious texture. For this reason, it's best to use a fabric bag for storage. A breathable material like cotton allows air to circulate freely, preventing the build-up of moisture that can lead to mold.

Create a roomy storage bag from cotton sheets, making sure it's big enough to comfortably hold the coat without crushing it. This type of bag will help to keep your fur coat in optimum condition, preserving its beauty and extending its life. Be sure to hang the coat in a cool, dark place with adequate ventilation to further protect it from environmental damage.

Don't hang your fur coats too close together

Proper spacing is crucial when storing fur coats to ensure they retain their natural shape and luxurious appearance. Fur coats need space to breathe and for the hairs to organize themselves naturally. When too close together, fur can become matted, wrinkled, and misshapen.

Choose a suitable space with enough room for each coat to hang freely. A spacious wardrobe with good ventilation is ideal. Make sure that each coat has enough space around it to avoid contact with other garments. This will help maintain the texture and appearance of the coat, allowing the fur to settle naturally without any pressure or distortion. By giving your fur coats the space they need, you can preserve their beauty and ensure they remain a treasured part of your wardrobe for years to come.

We hope our tips have helped you store your beautiful fur coat!

We hope these tips have provided you with some valuable information on how to properly store your beautiful fur coat. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your fur coat remains in excellent condition, preserving its luxurious feel and stylish appearance for years to come. Proper storage is essential to maintaining the quality and longevity of your fur, and we're confident that our tips will help you do just that.

Discover the best way to store a fur coat

If you're looking for a way to store your fur coats, we've got these exceptional models designed to meet your storage needs. Each model is carefully crafted to preserve and protect your fur garments. 

Fur Closet is the best way to store a fur coat because it has the right temperature, humidity and darkness.

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